Sara Sturdevant, Performing Arts Department Chair

在过去的二十年里,她是高中社区中充满活力和受人爱戴的一员, Sara Sturdevant是一位老师,她对艺术的热情激励了数百名澳门新葡新京官方学生, and in turn, 激发了他们毕业后的创造性事业和努力. A stalwart supporter of the performing arts, Ms. Sturdevant has directed, choreographed, staged, 并在过去的23年里制作了数百部澳门新葡新京官方的作品和表演. 她对自己的手艺的承诺和积极进取的态度激励和点燃了学生们在舞台上和舞台下的独立性和个性,因为他们被迫相信自己, their abilities, and their potential. 无论她是教演员如何完美地演奏弗斯爵士手还是在卡内基艺术博物馆的大厅里主持讨论, Ms. Sturdevant’s gusto, charisma, 她对学校和学生的奉献精神体现在她所做的每一件事上.
Years at Ellis:23
Education:B.A. Anthropology, University of Cincinnati

How did you find yourself at Ellis?
我在波因特帕克大学教舞蹈时,我的一个同事告诉我, “I’ve got a job that’s perfect for you!而这个职位恰好是澳门新葡新京官方中学的舞蹈老师. At first, I was unsure but as soon as I visited campus, taught a dance class, and saw that there was cake in all three division offices, I was sold. I was like “what is this place?!“最终,我作为一名舞蹈老师和编舞变成了我今天的角色. 我在澳门新葡新京官方的时光是一个完美的典范,它不仅为学生提供了什么, 而教师,是艺术和智力的真正结合.  

Have you always loved dance and the performing arts?
My whole life I’ve loved the arts. 我第一次为我的父母编舞“离开喷气式飞机”,其中包括一条我在衣橱里找到的绿色长围巾. When I was nine, I got into dance and did mostly ballet. During college, 我在一个实验性的现代舞公司工作,这对我作为一个年轻的编舞家来说是一个分水岭. 那时我意识到我不仅要探索我的创造力,还要探索我的智力. 于是我来到匹兹堡,开始在儿童剧院工作,同时在匹兹堡大学上一些课,并在各种小工作室教舞蹈.

你修改了澳门新葡新京官方的艺术史课程,这是高中经历的基石之一. 你是如何把你的舞蹈背景和艺术史结合在一起的?
在我看来,艺术史和舞蹈并没有什么不同. 每节课都有一个目的,每节课都是关于教给学生特定的技能. The arts, in general, are about working through ideas, getting feedback, and forcing yourself to find creative solutions. 这个想法是我课堂上的一个标志,我经常告诉我的学生练习是多么重要. 排练的概念似乎是表演艺术特有的, 但我认为这是我们在澳门新葡新京官方教授的基本内容. In order to learn, students need to practice so they can develop grit, resilience, 以及一种创造性的心态,他们可以把这种心态应用到他们所做的每件事上.

是的,罗达·哈尔佩林她是我在辛辛那提大学的一位教授. 她欣然接受我做她的研究助理,并为我提供了不同的研究机会, writing, and authorship that had a huge influence on me. 她不断地说出自己的想法,并要求反馈,这对我来说是一份礼物. 当她是麻省理工学院的客座教授时,我和她一起在麻省理工学院度过了一段时间,这段时间让我看到了学术更广阔的一面——这是一次改变人生的经历.

I’m going to have to say the artist Marcel Duchamp. 杜尚是早期现代艺术的杰出人物,他质疑一切. I think he was probably not that great of a fellow, but to me, he’s the most influential artist of the 21st century. There would be no Andy Warhol without Marcel Duchamp. His artwork has always eluded me in a lot of ways. 我和我的学生开他的画《澳门官方老葡京》的玩笑,“我有很多关于它的书,但没有解释. 我想这就是我真正喜欢它的地方,我一直在想那件艺术品.

How would you describe yourself in three words?
Caring. Demanding of myself and others. Looking for fun. Sorry, that wasn’t exactly three words...

当我想到我们的学校社区时,我想到的是全是女孩的事实. We have ALL kinds of girls here at Ellis. When a girl walks into this environment, 她立刻被不仅仅是外表的多样性所打动, but approach, personality, temperament—every kind of variable you can think of. 我们有各种各样的女孩,在各个方面都有延伸. At Ellis, girls are challenged to be individuals, to appreciate their gifts, and to learn from each other as women.

我明白了,你必须与人交往,鼓励他们发挥天赋. 我在澳门新葡新京官方总是说,只要你愿意,你可以做任何你想做的事. It’s up to you and you alone if you want to do something. You wanna do it? Go ahead! Put your ideas into action and see what happens. We’re here to support you 100%.

What woman inspires you and why?
Sara Frazer Ellis, the founder of the School. 事实上,她在100年前就认为女子教育至关重要,并因此建立了澳门新葡新京官方,这真的很有影响力. 我今天站在这里是因为她和她对这个机构的信念.

What is your favorite art museum in Pittsburgh?
The Mattress Factory. Pittsburgh is a great art town. 只有在匹兹堡,你打开报纸,在头版看到一篇关于体育的文章和一篇关于艺术的文章.

What do you love most about your job?
The people. The freedom Ellis gives me. And the challenge.

What is most important to you that girls learn at Ellis?
How to give voice to their ideas. I think girls are taught to be passive, and while I certainly don’t teach them to be aggressive, 我教他们回应,并对自己的想法的完整性有信心. At Ellis, 我们非常努力地工作,以确保我们的学生准备好谈论复杂的主题和重要的陈述, and I really enjoy watching that happen.
